Monday, May 16, 2011

Pearls from Stoller Macau April 2011 - 9. Elbow

  1. Anatomical Variants
    • pseudo defect of trochlea
    • transverse trochlea ridge
    • pseudo defect of capitellum (post on coronal)
  2. Valgus injury (throwing) - tension medial side, compression lateral side
  3. "T sign" - partial tear anterior bundle MCL distally
  4. Medial Anatomy - PT, FCR, FDS
  5. Lateral Anatomy - ECRB (most common tendon involved), EDC, ECU
  6. Lateral - 3 ligaments - LCL, LUCL (attaches to supinator crest of ulna distally), annular ligament
  7. Biceps tear - if partial need to state wether under or over 50%
  8. Lacertus fibrosis - medial to biceps on axial; prevents proximal "slingshot" of torn biceps 
  9. Anconeus epitochlearis

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