Monday, May 2, 2011

Pearls from Stoller Macau April 2011 - 4. Ankle

  1. NB: anterior process talus; lateral process calcaneus (snowboarders)
  2. Subtalar joint - anterior, middle, posterior facets
  3. Lateral gutter -- a 3D space between AITFL/PITFL and ATFL/PTFL
  4. Posterior ankle ligaments - Transverse Tib-Fib Lig, PITFL, Tibial Slip, PTFL
  5. Anterolateral impingement (soft tissue related to antero-lat gutter) vs Ant. impingement (bony)
  6. Soft Tissue Impingement
    • Anterolateral (ATFL and  AITFL related to partial or completer tear)
    • Syndesmotic
    • Posterior (PTFL -- myxoid)
  7. Spring (Calcaneonavicular ligament)
    • Lateral/Intermediate/Superomedial
    • Axial - int. and lat.; slice up - superomedial
    • Coronal - next to TP
  8. POP Syndrome
    • # or displacement of Os peroneum
    • Ass. Peroneus Longus Tear
  9. Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome
    • Post. Tibial N. compression
  10. 4 Plantar Muscles -  (Med) Ab. Hallucis, Fl. Dig. Brevis, Quadratus Plantae, Ab. Digiti Minimi
  11. Subtalar ligaments
    • subtalar interosseus - medial (coronal)
    • cervical - lateral and anterior (coronal and sag)
    • intermediate root extensor retinaculum - post. to cervical (sag)
  12. OLT Stages
  13. Tennis Leg - ruptured crura; fascia

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