Monday, May 2, 2011

Pearls from Stoller Macau April 2011 - 5. Mid and Forefoot

  1. 1st MTP Anatomy p166
  2. Skimboarder's Toe - "reverse turf toe" - dorsal plate injury
  3. Lisfrance ligament - medial cuneiform to 2nd MT base
    • dorsal, interosseus and plantar components - fail from dorsal to plantar
    • no interosseus ligament between 1st and 2nd MT bases
  4. Baxter's Neuropathy
    • Ab. Digiti Mini Atrophy; check nerve entrapment foot
  5. Adventitial Bursitis
    • no anatomic bursa in foot
    • at pts of frictional wear,
    • may present as mases
    • plantar 1st and 5th, hallux valgus common

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